Αγγλικός όρος
1. Στενό σωληνοειδές αγγείο ή αγωγός, ειδικότερα εκείνο που μεταφέρει τις εκκρίσεις από έναν αδένα.
Στενός και περίκλειστος αγωγός με υγρό (π.χ. ο ημικυκλικός πόρος του αυτιού).
[Λατ. ducere, οδηγώ]
Υπώνυμος όρος
accessory pancreatic duct
alveolar duct
alveolar duct
Bartholin's duct
biliary duct
Botallo's duct
cochlear duct
common bile duct
cystic duct
efferent duct
ejaculatory duct
endolymphatic duct
duct of the epoophoron
excretory duct
Gartner's duct
hepatic duct
intercalated duct
interlobular duct
lacrimal duct
lactiferous duct
lymphatic duct
mesonephric duct
milk duct
mullerian duct
nasolacrimal duct
omphalomesenteric duct
pancreatic duct
papillary duct
paramesonephric duct
paraurethral duct
parotid duct
prostatic duct
duct of Rivinus
salivary duct
duct of Santorini
secretory duct
segmental duct
semicircular duct
seminal duct
Skenes duct
spermatic duct
Stensens duct
sublingual duct
submandibular duct
tear duct
testicular duct
thoracic duct
thyroglossal duct
umbilical duct
utriculosaccular duct
vitelline duct
Whartons duct
duct of Wirsung
wolffian duct